Join The Fastest-Growing Industry Today!

Work with us to build tomorrow’s Solar Power solutions today. Did we mention flexpwr Solar is a pretty great place to work?

"We Strive to Create an Environment that Fosters Growth and Excellence"


You keep the lion’s share.

Career Advancement

Advancement based on merit, no politics or seniority involved.

Growing Company

We form a diverse team of highly motivated and outgoing individuals.

Training System

Top of the line training including premium courses, training, and mentorship.

Winning Culture

By developing a winning mindset, will ensure a winning culture.

Mentorship and Coaching

We value mentorship to guide and build future leaders.

Flex Power Family

Our Community

We’ve replaced corporate hierarchy and bureaucratic conventions with open communication and a collaborative working environment. By promoting a safe, innovative 
and inclusive culture, anyone with the talent, energy 
and focus to solve hard problems has a seat at the table.

Life at Flex Power

We’ve replaced corporate hierarchy and bureaucratic conventions with open communication and a collaborative working environment. By promoting a safe, innovative 
and inclusive culture, anyone with the talent, energy 
and focus to solve hard problems has a seat at the table.

Get Involved

We’ve replaced corporate hierarchy and bureaucratic conventions with open communication and a collaborative working environment. By promoting a safe, innovative 
and inclusive culture, anyone with the talent, energy 
and focus to solve hard problems has a seat at the table.

We Are Hiring

The list of vacancies is constantly updated

Sales Representative

Entry Level • Denver, CO

Sales Representative

Entry Level • Seattle, WA

Sales Representative

Entry Level • Tampa, FL

© 2022. All rights reserved. FLEX PWR, LLC.

Sales Representative

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